Statistical methods to handle medical data.

The medical and health industry generates huge datasets from medical records and patient monitoring.

Hospitals and public health agencies can automatically discover trends and flag anomalies in their patient records. Such anomalies may be errors or just interesting new profiles to be automatically detected in new patients.

Many times, just data cleaning is enough to easily get some results: we may also choose to write custom scripts to help speed up data cleaning on future versions of such data. Manually, it is not feasible in large datasets because it is too time consuming.

Genetic markers are of double interest: 1. To predict a disease, 2. To customize a treatment.

Or two in one (a treatment that causes a disease) like in this example.

Surveys for opinion analysis: patients in psychiatry/psychology, and burnout analysis for doctors and nurses. For both approaches, there exists widely applied instruments. Or a customized new questionnaire can be created.

GENETIC MARKERS – (SNP – Single nucleotide polymorphism)

– SNP studies can determine whether a genetic variant is associated with a disease.

– SNPs usually work in coordination with other SNPs to manifest a complex disease.

– SNP can explain different responses to chemicals, drugs, vaccines, and other agents: personalized medicine is the future.

SNPs for Penicillin Allergy.


– Burnout among doctors and nurses (in professionals with psychosocial risk).

– Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, physical fatigue and cognitive weariness, and constitutes an affective outcome representing the chronic depletion of the individual’s coping resources resulting from a prolonged exposure to stress. Burnout’s myriad consequences represent a significant cost to organizations, as it has been associated with reduced performance, absenteeism, turnover, and increased numbers of occupational accidents.

– Burnout as a predictor of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) while controlling for the effects of affective responses known to antecede CVD, including depression and anxiety.

– Impulsive Behaviour Scale (psychiatry)